Sabtu, 10 Agustus 2013

Bye highschool life!

Hallo! Hmm...

*take a deep breath*

Lately, I have faced a lot of moments. It can be happy or... something? I don't know. I just... don't know what to say. But the most important thing is: I'm no longer highschool student! Alhamdulillah,
And about my university... It was, hard, maybe. I have given so many things. I have sacrificed a lot of things. But, I still don't know the answer. I don't know where I belong to. I don't know what my passion is. I just do what my parents want me to do, and I'm trying to love it. Yes, and I (can) love it. But it's not easy to do. Yeah, you'll know what I feel if you've felt it.
And... It's already August! Some of my friends have finished their orientation (or, ospek, I don't know) moreover, some of them have started their class of university! But I'm still staying in my bedroom, opening my book, preparing for the next test to get my university. Yeah, it's hard isn't it? Sometime, I just want to run away from this situation, but... I can't.
And I read a quote, it's the best one that I've ever read!

Everything happens for a reason. Allah knows best

And Alhamdulillah, I've got an alternative university, that I got by my hard effort. I want to choose it for my university, but yeah, Allah knows best. And pleasure of Allah blessing the parents also :') pray for my best ya!

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