Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

Hi! Miss this blog already! Just want to put some photos here. Hm, can't believe! Finally I'm 17! I've got my identity card, Alhamdulillah. And my driving license! Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah! Finally! Thanks to Allah for all of these!
But, yaaah, just a week ahead, I'll be waiting for the BIG announcement! Bismillahirrahmanirrahim! Wish me luck :')

Aww! Thank you Google for the cute doodle!

Ya Allah, I hope You hear all of my prayers to You. You have and created everything and I'm just nothing without You. I hope You will give me the best news for me and my beloved one.
Ameen ya Rabbalallamin.

-citrasari henra putri

And here are some memories of my 17th syukuran at McD Darmo. Just a week before the national exam, hmm...

My special guest :') Alhamdulillah

Thank you for coming! I really appreciate it

Hi, you! :)

The most beautiful guest!

Yap! 2 blackforest yang nampak sia-sia kehadirannya...

Love you ibu tercantik sedunia-akhirat

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